It's the G. Lieberry!
You can see Sci-Fi, fantasy, political thrillers, non-fiction, and other genres represented in the G. collection. Heinlein and Pratchett figure prominently, with Anthony, Bradbury, Correia, Herbert, Tolkien and others having their own little niches on the shelves.
What's most interesting about this particular bookshelf, however, is the location:
I Can Haz Harry Potter?
Yes. We have a bookshelf filled with science fiction/fantasy novels in our master bathroom. We are nerds SUPREME.
That is all.
Nerd: 2d6+6.
Magazine racks? Sure. Newspaper rack? Absolutely.
Bookshelf? That's just genius. And on the plus side, if someone forgets to replace The Roll, you can keep a copy of titles by Martha Stewart, Hilary, Ted ...
Well, you don't have one of those Klingon blades hanging on the wall, so you're not 100% geek just yet.
If I had ROOM in the master bathroom, Jay, it'd look about like that. As it is, the SF and the Uncle John's Bathroom Readers get stacked on the vanity and the top of the toilet tank.
Scary, though, how many titles and authors we have in common. With the exception of Danielle Steele (PLEASE tell me they're MRS. G's!!!) and Terry Pratchett, you'd be hard pressed to tell which bookshelves belong where.
Oh, and I didn't know that More Guns, Less Crime came in paperback...
Arent you afraid of damage from those long hot steamy showers?
Mopar, if Jay has a nice enough bathroom fan it shouldn't be much of an issue, unless he has some signed first editions. We have one of these in ours:
Sum'bitch keeps my bathroom mirror fog-free even during my showers which are cranked up in such a way that you could steam a chicken lobster in the soap dish!
No use for it m'self, as I don't bother with baths (you can't pee in them! *snicker*) and I personally don't spend much time on the throne where all men are equal, and if I do its likely because some REALLY hot food just broke loose, and I don't think I could concentrate on the printed page!
This TMI Brought to you by Weer'd Beard!
Nice collection, Jay! I'm just getting into Pratchett now - not sure how I missed out on him this long...
I used all my Hillary! books for skeet, sorry...
You missed this post, obviously...
Doesn't surprise me. Do you not like Pratchett or have you just not read him? If the latter, give it a try - he's a hoot and a half!
Zero danger...
Have kids.
The bathroom becomes your last refuge against the rugrats...
I only very recently - within the past year or so - got into Pratchett, and I'm making up for lost time.
In fact, it's about time to place an order so I have reading material for the trip to FLA...
While I never met him, one of the stories often told about my maternal grandfather was that he had custom book cases built to line the walls of his bathroom. As a super-nerdy bookworm in middle school that permanently cemented him in the category of Genius for me. I still aspire to someday do the same in my future home.
On a related note, that reminds me that I really need to get some more book shelves, I have run out of space on mine even after double stacking, and I need to make room for those upcoming Correia novels.
That photo is classic! Norman Rockwell would be proud.
Might want to rethink that attic location for the tapes. Heat and cold will kill em.
You're missing a Michael Z. Williamson book there, Jay. Just put it right next to MHI. ;)
Ain't no tapes on that shelf.
Shelf *used* to hold VHS tapes.
Don't think it's gonna matter to the books...
LivingSocial.com Visual Bookshelf
Not sure if that will work...but that's a lot of what's on my bookshelf.
What struck me was the model of the Ford Forty-Niner.
When the introduced the reborn two-seat Thunderbird at the local new car show in Dallas the Forty-Niner design buck was on the floor beside the Bird on the rotisserie. Interestingly, the 49'er was getting a LOT more attention that the Bird.
If they built it, I think they'd sell more than the Taurus.
It makes me want to resto-rod my '49 Tudor.
There's also a 2005-ish F150 behind the bath. There are 1/18th scale cars all over my house - in my family room alone, there's an even dozen ranging from a Model A pickup to the "Back to the Future" Delorean...
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