Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sarah Palin's Earnings Over 9 Months Estimated at $12 Million

Former Alaska governor has earned roughly $12 million since stepping down from her job as Alaska governor at the end of July, according to a "conservative estimate" on the part of ABC News.

Palin had been making $125,000 per year as Alaska's governor.

The controversial 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee was reportedly paid $7 million for her book "Going Rogue," mostly after she stepped down. She is said to be getting $250,000 per episode for her television series on the Learning Channel and charge up to $100,000 deliver a speech, which she does regularly.

You know, it's not surprising that the media would be all over this. Palin's committing the cardinal sin of making money - without phony "carbon offsets" or winning Nobel Peace Prizes for what she might do some day. But, really? She's giving speeches? ZOMG! Someone call out the Ministry of Truth - we can't have someone getting paid for giving speeches!

That's what pisses me off so much about this whole non-story. The media criticized Reagan for going on the talk circuit when he left office, yet yawned as Clinton raked in millions - and a swanky new house in upstate NY to help launch his wife's senatorial career. They make a big deal about Sarah Palin's $7 million book deal, yet barely blinked at Hillary!'s $8 million book advance.

Why, it's almost like there are two sets of rules in place!

That is all.


Robb Allen said...

I misread that as Sarah Palin's $12 million earrings.

bluesun said...

Those would be some big earrings...

Brad_in_IL said...

Earrings made from rocks as big as The Hope Diamond.

- Brad

Atom Smasher said...

I was listening to the local LibTalk radio last night on the way home from work and they were talking about this. Their contempt and hatred for Palin continues unabated. How DARE someone "normal" get any attention in this country!

Anonymous said...

My heavens, what about the Algore.

Stretch said...

If standards are good Double Standards must be better.

TOTWTYTR said...

That's a lot of money, but then again Bill Clinton was getting a cool $1Million per speech. Seems no one in the media thought that was evil. I wonder how much President Feckless will be getting come 1/21/13?

I wonder how much of that actually goes to her and how much to a PAC?