I know you're all jealous, because I got to take this vision of loveliness to the dance:

What the Best-Dressed Princess is Wearing
Isn't she just the cutest thing?
Guys, if your daughter is in Daisies/Brownies/Girl Scouts, this is the highlight of the year. The girls all get dressed in their finest and bring their dads - or grandfathers, uncles, or, in one case, one girl brought her brother (might have been a cousin) in his full USMC best. BabyGirl G. had to make do with your humble host - I don't clean up all that bad, actually:
What A Cute Couple!
I do, however, need to get some clothes that fit...
The dance is held in the cafeteria at the elementary school. There's pictures to be taken as you walk through the door - eerily reminiscent of the prom {shudder} but at least this time my date actually wanted to be with me - then it's off to the cafe to mingle with other dads while our daughters
What was the most striking was how, even at this young age, the cliques are already well-established. Even BabyGirl G. is not immune - she ran into some of her classmates who are in a different Daisy Troop and the four of them laughed and giggled and went up to the dessert table all night long (I finally had to step in and say enough after the third chocolate cupcake disappeared down BabyGirl G.'s gullet...) They were having a blast running around and dancing to the music - and teaching each other "dance moves" which I can only assume came from some sort of ancient druid ceremony...
One last thing, while it's still seared - seared - into my memory. The DJ played a handful of current dance/pop favorites to get the crowd moving. When the first "slow song" came on, I walked over to my daughter who was busy laughing and giggling with her friends. I asked her, in my best "serious-in-a-good-way" daddy voice if I could have the pleasure of this dance, and she looked me straight in the eye, snorted, and said, "With you? No way!"
It was depressingly much like high school and college in that regard...
Eventually she warmed up to the thought of dancing with dad and we cut quite the rug out on the dance floor. Actually, it involved me spinning her around until she was dizzy, mostly, but she enjoyed it immensely and I got to spend some quality time with my little girl. I did eventually get my "slow dance" with my little princess (even if I did have to carry her for it); she got to run and jump and scream with her friends; and the Girl Scouts got to close out their biggest event of the year with a room full of happy girls and dads.
All in all, a most enjoyable evening - thanks BabyGirl G.!
That is all.
How lovely, Jay! She looks beautiful, and her old goober of a dad cleans up quite nicely.
ah cute ... both of you ..
how old is she?
The Cuteness: It hath laid siege to MA and won.
Sounds like a blast Jay, congrats.
Made of win. Something I missed out on, what with only boys in the house.
But not to harsh your mellow, dating begins in 8 (years) ... 7 (years) ... 6 (years) ...
(yes, I'm evil)
Thank you!
-Goober Dad
She's 6 going on 16. Will be 7 in June...
I've been blogging literally her entire life...
Thanks man. It was definitely a good time; I intend to make every one of these until she's too old for them...
See, that's why I own guns. I'll refer you to this...
That is just fantastic!
Thanks, Jay. Made my day.
John's dad
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