Friday, April 30, 2010

For the Love of All That's Good and Wholesome, NO...

Petition To Keep Jersey Shore-Like Show Off Cape
Hair gel, fake tans, and abs...not exactly the image Cape Cod is going for.

That's the thinking behind a new reality show called "Wicked Summah," modeled after the MTV hit "Jersey Shore." And it's rumored to take place on Cape Cod.

I'm opposed to this as well, but for a different reason. We spend a week every summer on the Cape, and I can state with authority that no one needs a "Jersey Shore" type show on the Cape. Given that the demographic on the Cape is overwhelmingly 70+, something tells me that folks aren't going to want to see a bunch of septagenarians partying it up at the shoreline. Getting shitfaced and looking for your dentures are pretty mutually exclusive activities. Although there is some commonality in the self-crapulation department...

Now, if they wanted to do a show based out of Revere Beach OTOH, the guidos alone would keep the show going for years...

That is all.


Bram said...

How about they shoot it at Revere Beach? I would watch every episode.

Wally said...

Heh, I spend a few decades in Revere and would enjoy it.
Been a while since I've been back though, sure do miss that Revere Hair.

Can you believe there is no wiki on Revere Hair ?! For those unfamiliar Revere Hair is a trademark women's hairstyle straight out of, and still stuck in the 80s. Lay a towel on your bed, lay on the bed with your head on the towel, and your hair as far out from your skull as possible. Apply at least half a can of aqua-net (MUST be aqua net, no substitutes!). When done properly, your bangs will be 6+ inches vertically from your forehead, and extra credit for getting the sides of your hair an equal distance from your ears.

'Course life was simpler back then. School all day, work in the evenings, meet at the beach for food and play football on the sand until the MDC kicked us off....

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but how would the Cape show even work? If you take an average Jersey douchebag or douchebaguette out of its natural environment, they wither and die**.

The precise natural stew of Axe body effect, Aquanet, fake-bake-in-a-bottle and toxic waste-infused sand is necessary. You'd have to create a delicate terrarium to support them.

**Upon reconsideration, this is not a bad thing.