Monday, April 26, 2010

There Are Still Heroes...

Fishing Captain Sacrifices His Life For Crewmember
The clam dredger "Silver Fox" was 2 miles east of Nantucket early Saturday morning when something went wrong. Crewmember Billy Silva fell overboard.

Zuzick jumped in after him. "He put on the emergency suit and dove in after him and got him, comforted him, told him everything was gonna be alright," said Patrick. "They were gonna swim back, but at some point, he had a heart attack."

A good captain always looks out for his crew, even if it is to be his final act. Captain Zuzick has honored his calling, giving his life so that a member of his crew would live. While his untimely passing is a tragedy for his family, they should celebrate that such a man lived.
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

-John 15:13

Rest in Peace good Captain.

That is all.


PISSED said...

Meanwhile in New York a good samaritan Homeless man is left to die and more than 20 people walk by him after he is stabbed trying to save a woman.....

what a country..

Old NFO said...

God Bless him! And the verse is absolutely correct...

Loose Gravel said...

Recently, in my old stomping grounds, the tender Northern Belle Went down. Capt got the crew off the boat, and stayed on himself to send out a Mayday and location... stayed on a little too long, but he saved the crew. There ARE heroes left in the world, and I heartily second Old NFO's comment.

Weer'd Beard said...

I don't think I've shipped out with a captain that wouldn't do that for any member of his crew....or for say a field scientist tagging along to collect data.

Fishermen can be gruff and cantankerous, but they're also VERY VERY generous people on the high seas, because they know they can only depend on each other out there.