Friday, April 2, 2010

"Until You Kill Someone" Justice...

Man charged in hit-run accident that killed Revere woman

A Lynn man with a lengthy record of motor vehicle violations pleaded not guilty to hit-and-run charges in connection with an accident that took the life of a Revere woman yesterday morning, authorities said.

Everton Muir, 25, was arrested after he turned himself in to Revere police about an hour after the accident, said Jake Wark, spokesman for the Suffolk district attorney. Muir, who was charged with leaving the scene of an accident causing death, was ordered held on $5,000 cash bail and barred from driving by Judge James Wexler in Chelsea District Court yesterday.

Leaving aside that Gregory Girard is still in jail with no parole over questionable gun show purchases, $5K for killing someone and leaving the scene? That's it? The state of Massachusetts doesn't place a very high value on human life, does it?

This isn't Mr. Muir's first run-in with the law behind the wheel, either:
His license has been suspended twice, once for 30 days in 2003 for drag racing and again for 210 days in 2004 after he failed a roadside sobriety test, said Ann Dufresne, spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. In addition, he has been cited several motor vehicle citations, including speeding, improper passing, and driving without an inspection sticker, Dufresne said.

His license has been suspended twice previously. He has already shown himself to be a menace behind the wheel, yet he's still out on the road. If he's 25, then he was 19 in 2004 when he "failed a roadside sobriety test", meaning he was drinking while underage as well. Here's a guy who just does not learn, whatsoever. And what is he facing for killing someone while driving like an asshole and then leaving the scene?
If convicted, Muir would face a mandatory minimum sentence of one year and a maximum of 10 years in a state house of correction, Wark said.

One year in jail.

Muir's driving record shows a shocking lack of regard for the traffic laws of the Commonwealth and a general disregard for the safety of others. His actions behind the wheel have results in the death of another human being, someone who was guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet his possible sentence is one normally reserved for people who commit mere misdemeanors, like passing bad checks or getting into a drunken fistfight.

And he had to kill someone to get even that slap on the wrist.

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Frikkin ridiculous...

The Packetman said...

Perhaps your state AG should be asked about this disparity next election season.

Ancient Woodsman said...

What the heck are you so upset about? Didn't you read the part about the judge including barring him from driving in the sentencing? The world is therefore is now against court order for the guy to drive, so we can all rest easy now. Right? Just like Domestic Violence restraining orders work their magic and protect the innocent from further abuse...

Before you paste me but good, I too am quite upset. The following factors: 25 years old; "lengthy record"; homocide getting only a $5K bail and a stern finger-wagging from the judge...compared to your oft-stated yarn about coming north & going home with a few prohibited new full-capacity magazines landing you in prison for a few decades. Wow.

Don't feel too bad, it is not just your state, it is the state of the world now. It's almost to the point where we need to find a new planet.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I moved to Massachusetts from Ohio and passed this horrific scene on the way to work. I'm still traumatized at the site of the woman's body mangled and bloody laying lifeless in the middle of the road. We are absolutely APPPALLED at the way people in Massachusetts drive, and how much the state allows them to get away with while endangering so many lives. This Muir kid should never have had his license after all of the issues he’s had in the past. Not that it would stop him from driving, but the moron should spend life in prison for his crime, and even that is too nice in my opinion!