Milton High School in lockdown after ammunition found inside
Milton High School is in lockdown this afternoon, following the discovery of 22 rounds of live ammunition inside the building, town officials said.
Town administrator Kevin Mearn said in a telephone interview that since the ammunition was discovered earlier this afternoon, students have returned to classrooms and Milton Police are using dogs to search the school for other ballistic evidence.
I would be willing to bet a sizeable amount of money that it wasn't 22 rounds of ammo, but a single round of .22LR ammo. Possibly even a casing. The article states that the school had a similar scare last year with a single shotgun shell.
This raises an interesting question: Why the holy hell are they putting the school in lockdown? If there is in fact an active shooter, doesn't putting the school in "lockdown" just insure that the shooter has nice little rooms of victims from which to choose? Or is it possible that the school has caught onto the "bring a bullet in and get the day off" scam and reacted accordingly - the kids don't get to go home, they have to stay in whatever classroom until further notice.
In which case, it's not doing jack to keep the kids safe, is it?
That is all.
Link sent by commenter and good friend Brad_in_ma, who always seems to know when my blood pressure needs spiking...
I graduated from high school in 2003. I can remember one time finding a shotgun shell in the hallway next to my locker. Not being stupid I walked over to the nearest teacher (a mere ten feet), and told her about. She walked over, picked it up, and that was the end of it. No panic. No big deal.
Heh, I was at lunch today after a range trip and looked down to see a .22 LR case that I had tracked out in my boot.
I just picked it up and tossed it in the trash, hopefully no one else in the restaurant saw it!
"I graduated from high school in 2003."
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Story have been changed to 2 rounds of .22 ammunition.
"police recovered two bullets and that they were of the .22-caliber variety"
Wanna make a bet that police recovered no boolitts at all, just a couple of empty shell casings?
This one is better: link
It originally said that "live gunshot rounds" had been found, but it's been corrected. It also adds that someone was taken to the hospital for a pants shi..... I mean panic attack.
Yes, Jay, I am still a bright eyed young lad. Bitter beyond my years, of course, but still young.
Man, if they saw this morning's fedex delivery at my house . . .
Nothing wrong with young, RobertM. Just revel in it...
I graduated high school in 1972 and back in those days the high school prank was an art form. The school administrators of today make it too easy.
Seriously - if I were in high school today, there would be an incident like this every week. With this sort of reaction, my pals and I would raid the nearest range to collect some of the discarded brass just so we could scatter it around the campus and watch the (so-called) adults go into apoplectic fits.
Can you say "flop-n-twitch" - all over a couple of .22 casings.
Geeze what a bunch of maroons.
Ummm... Robert- shaddap... I graduated in 196 (mumble)... Hell I used to keep my ammo in my locker in the spring and fall so it wouldn't get hot...
Well, as for the getting old thing. Seriously - beats the alternative.
Ooo, way to call it, Jay!
"I graduated from high school in 2003."
Heh, I graduated HS in 03' too Jay.
Hell, I had ammo & mags delivered to my dorm on various occasions.
I had a half case of .357SIG that I wasn't around to get. It got dropped in the mailroom for the building, requiring me to sign it out & show ID. Luckily it got shoved away without anyone looking at it.
I also had some 9mm hollowpoints fall out of my jacket pocket during a poli sci class
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