Thursday, May 13, 2010

And We're Off!

In just a few short hours I'll be heading out on the first leg of the voyage to Charlotte. I've got to go pick up the rental car*, then head home, load up, and get down to pick up Weer'd Beard so we can car pool to Charlotte for the NRA convention starting tomorrow. I figure we'll leave a little after dinner time and drive pretty much straight through, pausing for gas, calls of nature, and perhaps an hour or so of shut-eye along the way. I'm hoping to cover as much of the NRA convention as possible, and don't want to miss any more than I absolutely have to due to travel.

My goal is to get to the convention center shortly after it opens at 9:00 AM tomorrow, which is pretty ambitious considering that it's roughly 850 miles from MA to Charlotte, or 13.1 hours at 65 MPH. We're going to have to make some quick pit stops if we want to keep this rigorous schedule - but given that I just did a longer trek with two small children, I'm cautiously optimistic. I'll potentially be posting updates from the road (if Weerd's smartphone can access Blogger; the last time he tried it didn't work, but we'll see); I'll at least be taking notes along the way for a future road post.

Wish us luck and no overzealous highway patrol officers!

That is all.

*Interesting side note: I figured out that it was cheaper to rent an econobox than to drive my Ram. Given a round-trip of 1700 miles, and the Ram getting approximately 16 miles per gallon compared to a Sentra's purported 31 miles per gallon, the difference in gas mileage at $2.80/gallon is $144. The rental cost $101...


Heath J said...

$43 bones is cheap for driving something you enjoy and are familiar with...

Wally said...

$43 is a bargain for being able to ditch it and get a have someone bring you a new one if it craps out :-)

Enjoy the trip, I am envious!

Old NFO said...

Enjoy and drive safe...

SCI-FI said...

Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Stay as safe as you can. I don't even know what you & Weer'd are going to eat, but I'll bet it'll be tasty & probably spicy.
For some reason, the shipboard gas alarm comes to mind.
Seriously, enjoy, both of you poor Massholes. We'll be awaiting your report(s).
Verification word: kirroi. Is that Japanese for "Kilroy"?
Kirroi was hele!

jumblerant said...

I assume you'll be spending the $43 on some mroe ammo.

And then on another pair of tactical pants.

Ans obviously $43 for a tactical belt or 3

Well saved!