Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Think That's It...

Hotel room: Booked.

Press Pass: Secured (thanks Breda!)

Rental Car: Booked.

I hate to say it, but it's starting to look like I might actually get to the NRA convention this year...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Have fun, take pictures, and blog lots! :)

Andrew said...

Total jealousy.

Old NFO said...

I dropped my reservation since it's all no concealed carry... I'm not gonna play that game.

Mikael said...

Wait, there's a rule prohibiting concealed carry at the freakin' NRA convention? Talk about shooting themselves in the foot, pun intended.

ASM826 said...

I blogged about it a couple of days ago. They are going to run everyone through metal detectors. The NRA is saying that it's the policy of the convention center, but so what? They could have picked a different place in a different state. I wouldn't go if it was free, and I live in N.C. Here, from the NRA website:

North Carolina State law prohibits the carrying of firearms in the Charlotte Convention Center, and the Time Warner Cable Arena. In addition, the Rules and Regulations of the Charlotte Convention Center prohibit the carrying of firearms in the Center. Pursuant to Time Warner Cable Arena policy, all individuals entering the Arena will be subject to a magnetometer security check.

Jay G said...

NFO and ASM826,

I'm quite disappointed to learn I won't get to meet you guys at the convention.

I understand your reasons, and appreciate them (for me, the chance to meet up with folks is worth the PITA of NC and the convention center).

Perhaps at a venue outside of the convention itself?

ASM826 said...


It would be great to meet you and take you to the range. However, on this trip, you'll be four and a half hours away in Charlotte.

If you are ever traveling by car down I-95, that would be the time. With a little scheduling, I would take an afternoon off and show you what I think is one of the best club ranges around.

I'm sure you'll have a good time, I just think the NRA is tone deaf on concealed carry and I don't know what it will take to get them to come around.

RW said...

Trying to arrange my schedule so that I can at least stop by. It's only 6 hours from my house.

Jay G said...


Interestingly enough, I was *just* down that way last month... Maybe next year!


That would be awesome! Keep me posted...

Mike W. said...

Jay - Who do we talk to about press passes this year?

I believe Bitter coordinated all of that the last two years but not this time around.

Jay G said...


Shoot me an e-mail (in my profile) and I'll send you the contact person's name and e-mail address at the NRA HQ.

That goes for other bloggers who are interested, too...

Chris said...


I think I am going to drive down on Sunday to see Uncle Ted. I'll email you with my contact info so we can get together at some point during the day.