Sunday, May 2, 2010


How to properly boil water

Words fail me. I mean, literally, I cannot think of words to describe how I feel when I read a "news" article that purports to tell people how to boil water. One would think that people with more than three or four brain cells to rub together wouldn't need help of the concept of water, pot, heat, but apparently we've regressed to back before the dawn of recorded time here...

Next up: How to put on shoes.

That is all.

Link sent by my main source for blood-pressure-raising stories, PISSED...


wolfwalker said...

Next up: How to put on shoes.

Two words: Velcro. Sneakers.

The day they replaced laces with velcro was a black one for humanity's capacity for self-sufficiency.

Reputo said...

That's not fair, putting on shoes is orders of magnitude more complicated than boiling water.

Angry Patriot said...


How about putting on pants?

Butch Cassidy said...

Nice. The news up here reminds everyone how to dress for cold weather. Even in the middle of the season when even if you didn't already know, you should have learned by then.

TOTWTYTR said...

Riots at BJ's over bottled water? Obviously some people are too stupid to boil water.

Oh, I'm waiting for the first 9-1-1 call for someone who boiled water and forgot to let it cool down before drinking.

I have a feeling I won't be waiting long.

Starik Igolkin said...

The late Douglas Adams probably said it best:

The sign read:

"Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion."

"It seemed to me," said Wonko the Sane, "that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a package of toothpicks, was no longer a civilization in which I could live and stay sane."

Anonymous said...

You can't fix stupid.

wolfwalker said...

TOTWTYTR, that reminds me of an incident that happened a few years ago in a different city. Two of the local TV stations swaooed affiliations -- one changed from being a CBS affiliate to an ABC affiliate, the other went from ABC to CBS. This was, of course, honest news and so it was widely reported, including the date when it would happen.

Both stations set up telephone hotlines to help viewers figure out what had happened and adjust to the change.

Sabra said...

My mother has ruined pans of mine before by failing at boiling water. How I made it to adulthood, I am not certain.

Bob S. said...

Maybe they could spend time on something actually useful - teaching some young folks how to dress.

Here is a hint -- the underwear shouldn't be visible

Arthur said...

"The late Douglas Adams probably said it best:"

Heh, when I read the original post the first thought that popped into my head was this Adams quote:
"We'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys."

Of course, it was never explained exactly how to bang the rocks together. :P

Lissa said...

In fairness -- I had to Google how many minutes you had to boil water to make it safe. I don't camp a lot, y'know. And why does boiling kill bacteria, but freezing doesn't?

Weer'd Beard said...

What I'm in the cold sweats about is I have a nice crop of ice cubes that I made well before the break.

But once the water is good again I'm gonna need to figure out that dang recipe again, or drink warm martinis!!!

TOTWTYTR said...

Lissa, I think the bacteria "hibernate" when they are frozen. Of course, that's a pure guess.

Weer'd Beard said...

Yeah bacteria can become spores and go dormant and survive, inactive for long times in harsh environments.