Look! A Snubbie in a Holster!
That's my Smith & Wesson model 360PD, a.k.a. the Snubbie from Hell™ - the 12 ounce .357 Magnum hand-smasher. The light weight of the scandium frame and titanium cylinder make this the perfect heft for carrying around for extended periods of time; the .357 Magnum chambering gives the little gun some serious bite. It hurts like hell to shoot, but not as much as a 125 grain JHP...
Hiding in Plain Sight
The holster is very well made, with the leather form-fitted to Doubletrouble's own S&W snubbie (process described previously). The clip holds it securely to the belt, with enough play to allow it to ride slightly forward (adjustable cant is coming, so I hear). It holds the gun quite securely, yet allows quick access:
Yeah, I know, I'm (almost) pointing at the camera. As is pretty obvious, this is done with a camera on a tripod in a room where I'm the sole occupant - and TBH, while Mrs. G. would be annoyed if I shot the camera, it would mean we could get a better one... *g* Also note that my finger is in front of the trigger guard - and that was on the first and only take!
This is a simply wonderful holster, and I hope everyone goes to doubletrouble's place and begs him to make more. I hear that peer pressure is what got Robert Mika started, too... (okay, so I just made that up. Sounds good, though, doesn't it?). I've already volunteered my meager marketing skills should the Doubletroubles decide to break into the concealed carry holster market. Take off the clip and add a "wing" of sorts and this would be a fine pocket holster. Heck, it would make a simple fantastic IWB holster for a lefty as is...
DT, if you come up with any other holsters you'd like reviewed, I'm your huckleberry - and if you decide to go into business, I'll put my order in right now for a 3" K-frame OWB just like this one...
That is all.
Its an ideal Pack-o-Smokes holster (Still deciding a better Acronym than "POS") with the clip, and the fact that it holds a very small, light gun that can be loaded and unloaded quickly. Just toss on a pair of pants or shorts with a belt and either carry openly, or untuck your shirt and go concealed, you're out the door acceptably armed with little more effort than it takes to just toss on your shoes.
Good work Double-Trouble!
"It hurts like hell to shoot, but not as much as a 125 grain JHP..."
Only marginally better. ;)
Nice holster, though.
Thanks guys, & thanks Jay!
We're still trying to figger out how to handle requests w/out combining blogger, biz, 'n all.
For now, we can use foxhollowdeb@wmconnect.com
I'm also setting up gmail addy
but I'm not yet sure it's working correctly.
Web site in the offing if I can figure out how to do it...
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