BabyGirl G. Suitors Beware
Mike W. snapped this when we happened to stop in front of this booth (thanks Mike!). These fine folks are Williams Gunsight & Outfitters, and the revolver is a single action monster hogleg in .45-70. Yeah. Sprechen zie ouchie? It's a custom revolver based on the Magnum Research line of BFRs, with the title of BFFR given to this one.
Cut this down to 3" and we might have a replacement for the Snubbie from Hell™...
That is all.
Can it be retrofitted to mount a bayonette, flashlight and scope?
- Brad
Jay, that's...that's just... *wipes tear* beautiful. :D
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?"
- The Joker
THAT is what I would classify as a maniacal grin.
OK... I just had a "Holy sh*t" moment here. Looked closely at that heater and the length of the cylinder and said (out loud, mind you, and there's no one else around!) "Holy sh*t! What is that, a 45-70??"... and THEN I read the rest of the article.
Just kind of stunned that I could identify the caliber off-hand like that...
When is it going to be MA compliant?
Are you auditioning against Jack Nicholson for the next "Joker" role??
Like so?
I love the bead-blast flames. Beautiful gun, and that would drive the DEC guys here in NY nuts: I can't hunt one of my preferred places with a rifle, but I can use a handgun...
What? You expecting a rouge T. Rex to wander through MA?
I'm sure the grin on your face is the only weapon you'd need to fend off an undesirable suitors, anyone foolish enough to ignore it deserves the consequences they reap.
"It shoots through schools"
I'm thinking about actively campaigning to educate any potential suitors to BabyGirlG on the many, many potential dangers of... well, anything that might be considered less than good.
Every time you post a picture like that, you have the same look on your face. It even scares me a little.
I almost feel sorry for the poor guy. Almost;)
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