Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spreadin' the Linky-Love

Couple items of interest:

1. SpeakerTweaker is finally posting again. Woo Hoo! Dude pals around with all the cool TX bloggers, then vanishes off the face of the earth. He's at least making up for it with some quality gun pr0n...

2. My good buddy and fellow NE Bloggershoot attendee ZerCool has a pistola up for sale. It's a Bersa 380 as carried by the World's Most Dangerous Librarian, and his package price is very sweet. I'd be all over it if: a) I were in the market for another .380; and b) it were "safe" enough for the Volksrepublik of Massachusetts... (hate rage).

Go. Read. Buy a pistol.

That is all.


Mike W. said...

That is one nice Bersa. I didn't know they made them in full nickel.

SpeakerTweaker said...

WOOHOO! Birfday-linky-love for me!!

Thanks, dude. I'm sure y'all will be sick of me in no time;)
