Friday, May 28, 2010

VIcious Circle #52

Vicious Circle #52 is up for your listening pleasure.

Join alan, Weerd Beard, Breda, LabRat & StingRay, aepilotjim and me as we talk about pr0n, short ribs, pr0n, Megan Fox's thumbs, pr0n,crappy guns, pr0n,and some other stuff (mostly pr0n). It's the Weerd'est Vicious Circle yet!

Vicious Circle: Because, really, when you need to fill two hours of mindless drivel, who ya gonna call?

That is all.


Ross said...

Why is this labeled "Explicit" in iTunes?

Jay G said...

That's probably my fault...

That or Stingray reading pornographic TinyUrls... ;)

Weer'd Beard said...

Because I have the gall to question why somebody splitting their penis might be considered a good idea...