Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wanted: One Editor...

Suspected U.S. drones kill 14 militants
At least 14 militants were killed and several others injured Tuesday when five suspected U.S . drones fired missiles in Pakistan's tribal region, officials said.

The suspected drones fired 18 missiles at two vehicles and several compounds, according to officials. Targets pounded are believed to be used by militants in the Data Khel area in North Waziristan, one of seven districts bordering Afghanistan. Officials said the missiles were fired about 10 to 15 minutes apart.

Now that we've got the feel-good portion of the story out of the way, let's address that headline, shall we? "Suspected US drones"? Are they on trial? I understand that they're covering their bases, in that it's not 100% guaranteed that the drones were from the US Armed Forces arsenal; however it's a pretty sure bet - once again, let's not look for zebras when we hear the sound of falling hooves here...

I love that. "The suspected drones fired..." It's like at any minute you expect Joe Friday to come out of booking, read the drones their rights, then take them into a back room for interrogation. "Look you drones, we know you did it. Just admit it and we'll go easy on you." How about something along the lines of "Unmanned NATO drones"? That takes all the guesswork out of it. Later in the article it can be mentioned that they're most likely of US origin.

US Drones - death from above brought to you via the Nintendo generation...

That is all.


Sabra said...

Maybe they weren't drones. Maybe they were sentient alien robots. You just never know.

Lissa said...

Was I the only one who thought Pres. Obama's joke about drones and the Jonas Brothers was pretty funny?

Jay G said...

Lissa, it wasn't a joke.

-signed, the father of a little girl...

Stretch said...

"US Drones - death from above brought to you via the Nintendo generation..."

After Gulf War I some wag said "Desert Storm was won on the playing fields of Atari."

Geodkyt said...

Epidemic ADHD + 15 years of flashy video games + geeky engineers + a national military tradition of making the other guy die for HIS country =

Death by Drones, as an enlisted guy in an air conditioned trailer with a Diet Coke (or a Jolt) next to him brings the Information Revolution to YOUR camel. Probably while Tweeting the engagement to his buddies back home. . .

Sickle584th said...

Jolt? Try Red Bull... ;)

And yes, probably on Facebook or Twitter... but he's already back at home station to begin with...

Geodkyt said...


Well, I hung up my booger-suit WAAAAY before Red Bull. Heck, I left IT before Red Bull really hit it!

I think the drone guys should get to wear flightsuits -- after all, everyone ELSE in the Air Force with wings seems to wear them all the bloody time. (When I realized that USAF officers assigned to a DESK in the Pentagon were wearing flight suits to work, I about flipped. I mean, the Marines and soldiers in desert camoflage in Pentagon offices were bad enough!)

We could paint camels, tents, and Mercedes on the sides of their monitors, to represent kills. . .