Thursday, May 27, 2010

You're Kidding Me...

TRENDING: Biden jokes about Blumenthal controversy
Washington (CNN) - Add Vice President Joe Biden to the list of people speaking out about the controversy surrounding Democratic Senate nominee and Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's misstating of his military record during the Vietnam War.

"I was not in Vietnam. I don't want to make a Blumenthal mistake here. Our attorney general from Connecticut, God love him," said Biden, according to a pool report of a Tuesday night at an event at the vice president's residence for wounded troops.

Biden is JOKING about this? Joe fucking BIDEN? In case you hadn't heard, Vice President Biden will be presiding over the Memorial Day celebration while Øbama heads to Chi-town rather than stay and honor those who serve America. In a time of war, he hands the celebration of our veterans and those still in harm's way over to a man who makes jokes about some asshole who claimed honor he didn't earn.

I mean, we'll overlook the irony of the man who bowed out of the 1988 Presidential race in shame over plagiarism concerns questioning the integrity of another Democrat. Biden's done plenty worth mocking and deriding since 1988; his gaffes alone - oh, like asking someone in a wheelchair to stand up or killing off the mother of the Irish Prime Minister - are the stuff of legend. And this is the man Barack Øbama wants to celebrate our Armed Forces?

It'd almost be comical if it wasn't such a stinging slap in the face to those who serve our country and keep us free.

That is all.


Wally said...

Meh. You can't tell me that Biden presiding over the ceremony is any worse that 0bama.

Mike W. said...

And this is the man Barack Øbama wants to celebrate our Armed Forces?

It's all for show. Anyone with half a brain knows that Leftists hate the military.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great if a bunch of uniformed vets showed up in at the ceremony. Then when the gaffer-in-chief showed up they would come to attention, take one step to the rear and do an about-face... jist sayin'

RW said...

"Stand up, Joe. God love him." :)