Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An App for Rage...

Friend, fellow New England Bloggershoot and Blogdinner attendee Mopar sent me the following e-mail about a new app:
Check out http://www.realtimecongress.org/ for apple and android.
Some of the android features (I assume the apple is about the same)

The features:

Read the latest bills, laws, and see what bills were recently voted on.
Find members of Congress by using your phone's location, a zipcode, a last name, or a state.
Read tweets and watch videos from members' Twitter and YouTube accounts.
Reply to a member of Congress on Twitter from within the app, using your own account.
Read the latest news about them, using the Yahoo News API.
I downloaded it, of course, because I'm a masochist, political junkie, and otherwise glutton for punishment. What really got me, though, was Mopar's description of how he uses the app:
Every time I think I might be feeling a little happy I open this app and within a few minutes I'm bad to my normal grumpy self.
I expect I'll use it in much the same manner...

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...

If there were a similar app for "Beacon Hill" you'd be a freakin' prince among men.

- Brad

John said...

If you want to add some rage to your RSS reader, take a look at opencongress.org. Track the actions of any senator or rep, or set up a feed based on key words, or track a certain bill's progress.

It's amazing how much completely useless stuff goes on. "Motion to suspend the rules and agree: commend the University of Wherever for there recent victory in $SPORT" (or something similar) happens a lot. I guess it's better than when they pass onerous laws.

-- John.

JP said...

It is actually a pretty neat app, even considering the complete BS it leads you too.

I mean - I clicked the icon to find legislators by my location and it showed me Fivehead's (Gabby Giffords) and McCain's pictures. No one needs to see that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hey John, I beleive the apps are from the same folks who do the opencongress website, so you have pretty much the same rage, just right in your pocket so you can access it any time you like.
Along the same lines, another fave android (free) app is United States Constitution .

Bubblehead Les. said...

I'm old school. If I need to get a rage on, I just turn on the New People's Radio and wait ten minutes. After all, my gjhjj%%%$$taxes help pay for that crap.