Monday, June 21, 2010

"Christ, You Fat Penguin"


Vatican calls ‘Blues Brothers’ a ‘Catholic classic’

TAORMINA, Sicily — When Jake and Elwood Blues, the protagonists in John Landis' cult classic “The Blues Brothers,” claimed they were on a mission from God, the Catholic Church apparently took them at their word.

On the 30th anniversary of the film's release, “L'Osservatore Romano,” the Vatican's official newspaper, called the film a “Catholic classic” and said it should be recommended viewing for Catholics everywhere.

[blinks like a mole in the sun]

This is "The Blues Brothers" we're talking about, right? The same movie where Jake and Elwood are repeated pummeled by Sister Mary Stigmata for their "filthy mouths and bad attitudes"??? A Catholic classic? I mean, yeah, I grok that the Blues Brothers themselves are "Cath-o-licks" and are perpetrating their citywide run of destruction and devastation on a "mission from God", but I have trouble putting it up next to films like "The Ten Commandments" or even "The Passion of the Christ" as church faves...

It just goes to show one thing: The power of the Blues is strong indeed...

That is all.

Link sent via e-mail from SCI-FI, as found at Hot Air.


Salamander said...

Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration, don't fail me now.

Grayson said...

"Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration"?

Somewhere in that prayer, should be a reference to a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, darkness, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and maybe a murder-minded ex-girlfriend with an M-16 A1 rifle, don'tcha think?

And maybe penguins...?

Chris in Texas said...

To be fair, I'd much rather see the Church approach this with a sense of humor than see them denouncing the film as heresy or somesuch. Pretty damned cool IMO.

Keith said...

God has a sense of humor. He made the duckbill platypus afterall. And Canadians.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Just tell me where I can get the St. Jake and the St. Elwood medals, 'cause Lord knows I need all the help I can get!