Tuesday, June 1, 2010


THIS is what I want my tax dollars supporting:

Navy's drone death ray takes out targets
(Wired) -- For years, the U.S. Navy has been pursuing a workable ray gun that could provide a leap ahead in ship self-defenses.

Now, with a series of tests of a system called the Laser Weapon System, or LaWS), it may be one step closer to that goal.

Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), the service's technology development arm, announced today that LaWS had "successfully tracked, engaged, and destroyed" a drone in flight, during an over-the-water engagement at San Nicholas Island, California.

Yes. Developing lasers capable of destroying enemy aircraft is exactly where I want my tax dollars going. This is the sort of thing that the federal government should be doing - funding the armed forces to find new ways to kill our enemies and keep us safe. Projectile weapons are increasingly on their way out, with directed-energy becoming more and more viable as power sources continue to produce more power in smaller sizes and the computers required to run things get smaller and ever more powerful.

Plus, selling the video footage of some pirate skiff getting vaporized on Pay-Per-View should pare down the National Debt right quick...

That is all.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

I hope they are totally unworkable. Good luck getting your own phaser or laser-beam PDW if they perfected it. Then only soldier, politicians, and the police will be able to disentegrate folks.

Jay G said...

Ah, but on the flip side...

Then projectile weapons would be regulated like blackpowder is now...


Weer'd Beard said...

I would buy the DVD box set of Season 1 "Pirate Flambe!"

And I would also give tax monies to New Hampshire for the martinis I'd mix while watching it and laughing my ass off!

Comrade Misfit said...

We might even see the return of smokescreens as a defensive tactic!

Hunter said...

Reminded me of the Charles Addams cartoon from 1953:


Ritchie said...

I see they didn't say anything about the drone-there are drones and then there are drones. And that must be one of the nicer ships in the Navy, the USS Pine Grove! All seriousness aside, progress is welcome, just not progressives.

Atom Smasher said...

"Butterflies. Daffodils. If *I* were the Supreme Being I'd've started with *lasers*, Day 1!"

Old NFO said...

And the Air Farce is flying one on a 747... sigh...