Sunday, June 6, 2010

Those Damn Guns Again...

Police: Shooting Of 10-Year-Old Girl Gang-Related
Boston police commissioner Ed Davis said the shooting of a 10-year-old girl in Roxbury is gang-related.

The unidentified girl was shot in the leg by a person on a scooter around 8:30 p.m. Friday on Creston Street.


Davis said the shooting was in retaliation for the shooting death of 18-year-old Terrence Kelley on the same street May 28.

Oh, if only MA had common-sense gun control laws like a minimum age of 21 to purchase a handgun!

Oh, wait.

Oh, if only MA had common-sense gun control laws like requiring a specific permit to simply purchase a handgun!

Oh, wait.

Oh, if only MA had common-sense gun control laws like requiring a permit to simply purchase firearm ammunition!

Oh, wait.

Oh, if only MA had common-sense gun control laws like safe storage laws for firearms!

Oh, wait.

Oh, if only MA had common-sense gun control laws like a roster of acceptable and safe handguns that can be sold in the state!

Oh, wait.

Oh, if only MA had common-sense laws like aggravated assault and/or attempted murder being illegal!

Oh, wait.

Instead, let's wail and cry about the "easy availability of guns" (which isn't), the eeevil NRA, the "gunshow loophole (which also isn't), or the super dooper extra lethality of having a long arm with a bayonet lug (even though 99.9% of assaults aren't committed with any type of semi-automatic "assault weapon").

It's oh so much easier to blame the inanimate chunk of metal for violence caused by said tool than to ask why these kids think it's an acceptable response to shoot someone in cold blood for any apparent slight. Rather than find out why they're just blasting away indiscriminately - and putting them in jail for it - it's much simply (and safer) to rail against the NRA and a laundry list of straw beliefs you assign to them (that they do not hold, have never endorsed, nor have even come close to initiating).

Governor Patrick wants to limit me to buying one gun a month. In the 16 years I've had a MA LTC, I've bought dozens of guns - none of which have been used in crimes. I've sold a handful of guns, too - always to a licensed MA gun owner as prescribed by state law. Whether I buy one gun a month or 15, I am not the problem here. Going after the couple hundred thousand or so law-abiding gun owners in MA because of the actions of gang-bangers in Boston is akin to shutting Ford down because someone drove drunk. In a Chevy.

I've said it before and I will continue to say it: As long as we punish those that are not responsible for the crimes (law abiding gun owners) while slapping the wrists of those that do perform the crimes (gang bangers), we will continue to have these problems no matter how draconian they make MA gun laws.

That is all.


dr mac said...

Its because gumdrop eating, unicorn riding, swirly air head, zombie brained, hoplophobes keep on asking,"Why would anyone have a gun anyway ?".

Michael W. said...

What about those pesky and dangerous scooters? After all without that, it would have been a walk-by, not a drive-by.....

ASM826 said...

I think the one gun a month rule is a good one, and would like to be required to purchase one a month.

I can hear the conversation now:

Her: "What do you mean, you bought another gun?!!"

Me: "I had to, it's the law."

Her: "But I'll bet you bought a dozen this year!"

Me: "Exactly, one a month. And for Christmas, I'll need a new safe. This one a month policy really adds up."

Her: "The heck with a bigger safe, we're going to need a bigger house."

Me: "Finally, a common sense gun law! I hope they pass the mandatory ammunition purchase law this session."

Jay G said...

Heh. I've already promised that if they do pass the one-gun-a-month law that I *WILL* take it as a challenge...

Lotta Mosin-Nagants in my future if this goes through...

Old NFO said...

Oh how about ENFORCING the laws on the books... Oh wait, that might inconvenience somebody...

Weer'd Beard said...

Great post Jay, I added you as a Post-Script in this Morning's post on my place. Ties in well with what I was saying.

You know what they say about great minds...well I guess its true for mediocre ones too!

FYI I assembled and set up a new safe yesterday. Now all I need to do is take the Mrs. to the container store and have her get some shelving for one of the rifle safes so I can convert one to a pistol-only safe and I think my Storage options will be solved, at least for a little while longer : ]

Jay G said...

That just means you need to buy moar guns...

(and thanks)

Geodkyt said...


When Virginia passed the "Gunof teh Month Club" law, I was working at a dealer. We had a customer who came in on the first of the month to get his perscription refill of BOOM.

he tried to buy something different each time, but after a while he was relegated to buying the various chrome plated zinc .25s we kept in the back