Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Throne Room Meme...

Lissa asks the hard-hitting questions:
So. What reading material is lying around your bathroom? I’m tagging Jay G, Borepatch, Calvin’s Mom, Mike W and Carteach. (And Shoothouse Barbie, but only as an honorary mention ’cause I know she’s got a writing assignment.)

I posted about my bathroom reading habits (and my snazzy rainroom bookcase) a few months ago and responded thusly, but I feel obligated to provide an update. I got my iTouch shortly after posting that picture, and an iPhone a few weeks ago. With two micro-computers available, I've taken to carrying the iPhone with me (since it has a camera) and leaving the iTouch at home. I find myself bringing the iTouch into the throne room with me to read blogs and such in the "down time" rather than reaching for a book - although that will change with some new Pratchett books due to arrive from Amazon soon.

But I'm not an internet junkie or anything - I can quit any time!

That is all.


Lissa said...

I often read on my iPhone while in the litter box, as well -- but I have to keep some extra books in there, for emergencies. Sometimes the phone is charging, you know!

Sabra said...

For a horrible moment there, I thought you were about to say you take the iPhone with its camera into the bathroom...I have clearly been hanging around the internet too long.

Old NFO said...

I'm in the process of moving, so the only thing I have is a month old GCA Journal.

Anonymous said...

Well...either Texas Hold-em poker on the iPod, or Sudoku puzzles on paper. That, or the current issue of Sport Aviation.

Julie said...

I'm assuming none of you have kids at the age where going to the 'litter box' can be either long enough or private enough to read in !!!!!!!!

Weer'd Beard said...

Generally I'm out as quick as I go in, but in the event that I may need to spend some time, its the HTC tilt for me, and I'll be reading blogs or playing games.