Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Unbidden Endorsement...

MArooned Endorsement Time!

Folks, I mentioned the change in my friend Bruce's life last week. It's sad to see him close the door on No Looking Backwards, certainly; but I cannot stress how strongly I agree with his decision to enter the world of politics. And now he's got his political page up and running, and I wanted to bring it to your attention. Especially since he's now accepting donations, and I encourage everyone - even those outside NH - to donate to his campaign (even if it's actual, old-school, honest-to-goodness snail mail...).

I've known Bruce for nearly six years now. I've been reading him pretty much that entire time, and he's consistently funny, intelligent, and true to his beliefs. He's someone I'm proud to call friend, someone I've had in my home and visited at his home as well - heck, our kids have played together. I've had the good fortune of sitting down to dinner with Bruce, of standing on a firing line with Bruce, and even hoisting a pint or two with the man. He's the real deal. He's a conservative - and not the Bible-thumpin', gay-cootie hatin', flag burning banning kind. The "does the Constitution provide a reason for this" kind of conservative.

He's a perfect fit for the state that stamps "Live Free or Die" on its license plates...

That is all.


Lissa said...

I second the motion, sir!

TOTWTYTR said...

He's a sharp guy and although I don't always agree with him, I always respect his opinions. Voters in his district will be getting a great advocate for individual rights when they elect him to office. Go Bruce!