Saturday, June 12, 2010

Worth A Look...

Linoge has done some seriously heavy lifting in detailing the correlation between the number of firearms in America, the number of Americans, and firearms deaths over the past 16 years. His conclusion:
This post graphically demonstrates that the hypothesis that more firearms result in more firearm-related deaths is historically and demonstrably false.
is certainly backed up by the data he presents. He gives links to the data in spreadsheet form; the sources of his data (hint: Not a Google search); and is careful to not make any conclusions based on conjecture.

Good job, Linoge!

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Good job is right, but since it doesn't fit the loonies mis-conceptions, it will routinely be ignored... sigh...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linkage, Jay! And, to be fair, most of those datasets I use were found using a Google search... ;)

bluesun said...

But will Mr. Kelly who Kevin is talking to at the Smallest Minority listen?