Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday VC - With a Twist!

Last's night's VC went so long it had to be broken into two parts:

Vicious Circle #59a: Texas T-Bone

Vicious Circle #59b: also Texas T-bone

Join alan, aepilotJim, Weerdbeard, Stingray&LabRat, WhiteBread and Christina (who came on after I left at 12:20AM this morning!) as we discuss online pr0n (again), Alan's infatuation with Apple (again), the "Texas T-Bone", the Toronto bubble cop, piss flaps, and many other items that have slipped my sleep-deprived brain... Apparently this one went until 2:00AM EST, too late for my poor coffee-deprived brain...

Vicious Circle: It beats a singlewide in northern Maine in February, that's for sure...

That is all.


JD said...

OK, so when is this on the air? Sounds like it runs past my bed time on a work night = (

Jay G said...

JD, it's a podcast. We record it Thursday night and it's posted the next morning (sometimes even earlier if Alan's particularly motivated).

Click on the links to find the downloads!