Monday, July 19, 2010

People Say Dumb Things...

Has there been an outbreak of extra-stupid recently? It seems like there's a rash of really stupid things dribbling out of the mouths of stupid people these days. Just in the past few days we've seen:

What's unsettling is that there's no rhyme or reason to the stupidity. In some cases, it's dumb people saying dumb things, in which case it's understandable - just sit back and mock. In other cases, it's people clawing desperately for some semblance of relevancy or celebrity, which is a pretty pathetic commentary both on themselves and on our society in general. And sometimes, people just cling to teh stoopid because it beats the alternative of cold, hard reality...

And some of us just sit back and cackle...

That is all.


Mike W. said...

The world would be boring without such stupidity.

Sitting back & laughing makes me happy.

Jay G said...

Joe Biden ought to be a DEA controlled substance for you, then...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Something tells me that when Robert A. Heinlein (PBUH) was writing about the "Crazy Years" in his "Future History", he should have extended his timeline a few decades.

bluesun said...

My motto is "smile and nod." It seems to work well.

SCI-FI said...

re: Kathy Griffin and her "life on the D-List" --
Apparently the "D" stands for "Douchebag"...

Dixie said...

Les, when astrology, UFO sitings and paranormal shows began coming back, I knew the Crazy Years were back. (sigh)

... sees roses in November...

His ball's working-- those roses are sitting on Barry's desk. The card reads "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! -- Nancy."

Anonymous said...

Well, we are getting towards the 'Silly Season' as the British media describe it.