Thursday, August 19, 2010


SCI-FI sent me this rather disturbing little slideshow on the economy:

Wow. It looks like the United States has gangrene. A few observations:

1.MI and southern CA start off purple and go to black very quickly.
2. Central USA ("flyover country") weathers the economy pretty well.
3. Pretty much everything east of the Mississippi is black or purple.
4. Ditto the entire left coast.

10% unemployment - pretty much uniformly across the USA - isn't a good sign. It's not the end of the world - although it is higher than the Carter years, when inflation hit double digits. It's instructive, again, that the drooling imbecile Chimpy McHitler had unemployment rates all the way up to - oh - 6%. And that was after dealing with the tech bubble implosion that occurred before he took office, back when Boeing was laying off workers 10K at a time...

Given that Ă˜bama has been in office for a year and a half now, and the Democrats have held the house and Senate for coming up on 4 years, isn't it time to start looking forward, rather than backward? We hear a lot about how this is "Bush's fault", or how the "last administration" did this or that to hurt/kill/slow the economy; wouldn't it be nice to hear what the new - present - administration is going to do to stop that slide? Recrimination and finger pointing don't employ people nor keep banks solvent - and neither does throwing a ton of .gov $$$ at the issue.

It's time for some actual leadership, and I fear that the Teleprompter Jesus wouldn't know that if it bit him on the ass...

That is all.


Mike W. said...

That graphic is really depressing Jay. Thanks a lot.

Arthur said...

At the end, check out the one red dot left in southern WI - That would be Dane county where Madison and the seat of state government is located.

I wonder why unemployment stays relatively low there?

Steve said...

I'm as concerned about how the entitlement mentality has become infectious. Today, one of the NH papers was whining about how the relatively low unemployment rate in NH is screwing the recipients out of extra weeks of benefits.nka

Mopar said...

Gee, I was JUST about to point out how NH faired better then anyplace else in the Northeast, then Steve goes and takes the wind out of my sails.

Anonymous said...

"and neither does throwing a ton of .gov $$$ at the issue"

.gov doesn't have any money - they steal it from us at gunpoint.

If we don't have enough to cover the bill, they borrow from foreign banks - at interest.

Which is why we are screwed.