Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's Baaaack!

The full-length, edited by the lovely-and-talented Mrs. Mopar Bloggershoot video, that is!

If you look closely, you'll see some local gunbloggers and commenters you may or may not recognize. And a scary lookin' dude with a shaved head and a bad attitude (okay, not really. It's hard to be in a bad mood with full auto weaponry, it really is). There's nearly fourteen minutes of quality gunnie bliss there, folks. Make sure you play it where a liberal can see it, so they can weep...

Northeast Bloggershoot: training to keep the zombies away from the Northeast since 2008...

That is all.


Robert McDonald said...

Unpossible. Nobody got muzzled or hit in the face because of recoil. You can't have a youtube shooting video without one of those! ; )

Looks like you all had a lot of fun. I'm totally and completely jealous.

Borepatch said...

This is so awesome, it's in danger of collapsing into a Black Hole of awesomeness.

Wally said...

Most awesome! What an outstanding effort to put that together!

Mrs Mopar, any chance of getting a high quality copy of that movie ?

ASM826 said...

One day we are going to have to follow your fine example and set up a Southern Bloggershoot. Looks like a great time.

Patrick said...

Oh my... Looks like a great time. Weer'd is beside himself.. LOL

If it wasn't so far away... 13 hrs or so..

Weer'd Beard said...

Dude, a 57mm Recoilless rifle, a .22 supressed M-16, and a SBS with a bird-head grip that made slugs comfortable???

Wouldn't you be giggling too?

Mopar said...

Wally, the original is about 3.5gigs. If you have an FTP site somewhere we can do that, or I can just burn it to a DVD and mail it out.

Wally said...

My FTP site will puke at 1g :( Do you have my email addy from Lissa's message ?

mopar said...

Wally: If I got a message from Lissa somewhere I missed it :(
You can shot me an email at moparnj at yahoo d0t com.