Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Species is Doomed.

Woman Smashes McDonald's Drive-Thru Window
Police in Toledo, Ohio recently released a surveillance video of an incident that took place on New Year's Day. In the video, an enraged woman smashes a McDonald's drive-thru window after being told the restaurant was not serving McNuggets.

The woman has since been identified as 25-year-old Melodi Dushane, who drove up to the McDonald's at 6:30 a.m. and became violent when she was told that McNuggets were not being sold at that time, since breakfast had begun at 2:30.
The funny part, and here where I say "funny", what I really mean is "so thoroughly disgusting and wretch-inducing that sometimes I think we're overdue for another Black Plague", is that this woman is now famous. Her name is a household word - like Amy Fisher - and I'll bet $20 that by the end of the month she has her very own reality program. Before you know it, she'll be palling around with Lindsey Lohan in rehab, then appearing on Dr. Phil to weepily proclaim her sorrow for the attack.

It saddens me that we reward such imbecility. To think that someone could ever even begin to think about profiting over something as completely nonsensical as being known as the "McNugget Rage Woman" is nauseating. This woman is going to get her 15 minutes of fame, over-extend them - like every other instaceleb - and then fade back into oblivion, another Trivial Pursuit answer to a question no one should ask. We celebrate stupidity on a daily basis, and wonder why our entertainment caters to the lowest common denominator.

Sometimes I wonder if there's even a bottom to hit. The movies I watched as a teenager in the 1980s - RoboCop, Running Man, even the Mad Max series - all depicted a future grown increasingly bleak, with societal breakdowns and greater and greater reliance on distractions. Looking back, those movies seem eerily prescient in predicting how the "15 minutes" mentality and quest for fame - or infamy - would come to dominate our popular culture.

Bread and circuses indeed.

That is all.


Robert McDonald said...

Tongue in cheek, I ask, "If a parent can't be bothered to at least spell their own child's name correctly why should we expect that they would have raised children who would become well adjusted adults?"

The stupid, it's generational.

PISSED said...

Oh I'm sure she'll get her 15 minutes of fame and people will be glued to it like all the other junk on TV...........

This is from the last part of the song "Amused to Death" on Roger Waters album ,which is GREAT!, of the same name... quite profound I think.....

We watched the tragedy unfold
We did as we were told
We bought and sold
It was the greatest show on earth
But then it was over
We ohhed and aahed
We drove our racing cars
We ate our last few jars of caviar
And somewhere out there in the stars
A keen-eyed look-out
Spied a flickering light
Our last hurrah
Our last hurrah
And when they found our shadows
Grouped around the TV sets
They ran down every lead
They repeated every test
They checked out all the data on their lists
And then the alien anthropologists
Admitted they were still perplexed
But on eliminating every other reason
For our sad demise
They logged the explanation left
This species has amused itself to death
No tears to cry, no feelings left
This species has amused itself to death

Weer'd Beard said...

Don't be Sad, Jay! Remember if the world goes all Mad Max/Robocop/Max Headroom/ Running Man....this will be a world we will be GODS in!

I got my best colander all picked out!

Lissa said...

I think this happened back in '09 --

So if it hasn't happened yet, perhaps it won't. What, exactly, is the shelf life for meth head videos?

She got off light -- I can easily imagine a McD's worker in better physical shape just decking her.

Jay G said...

That's one of my very favorite songs, PISSED.

That and "Not Now John" when Roger's ego still allowed him to play with the rest of PF...


OOOH. That's a good point right there...

I need to get me a good colander - right now all I have is a plastic one...

TOTWTYTR said...

If she doesn't get her own show, the Jet Blue flight attendant is sure to.

Paul, Dammit! said...

Considering that at the moment that this was posted, details about some chunky, hairy unemployed girl named 'snooki' was the 3rd most popular search on Yahoo, you may have something.
Me, I'll be in the bar, drowning the voices in my head... and wondering if a bunker in Montana might be a good investment, so long as the FBI doesn't feel threatened b it.

Michael W. said...

"The movies I watched as a teenager in the 1980s - RoboCop, Running Man, even the Mad Max series - all depicted a future grown increasingly bleak, with societal breakdowns and greater and greater reliance on distractions. Looking back, those movies seem eerily prescient in predicting how the "15 minutes" mentality and quest for fame - or infamy - would come to dominate our popular culture."

Oh yeah? All I have to say about that is,

I'd buy that for a dollar!


mrmacs said...

All y'all (plural possessive Southern) seem to have missed Idiocracy (
That's where we are going....

Time for some chlorine in the gene pool.