Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome To Not-Getting-It-Ville...

...population: MSM.

Primary winners highlight political inexperience

WASHINGTON — All hail inexperience — the less familiarity with politics the better, no matter the party or state.

"This election is the first time my name has ever been on a ballot," appointed Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado said Tuesday night, hours after dispatching his rival in a bitter Democratic primary.

First off, inexperience sure didn't matter one whit when the MSM pushed the least qualified candidate to ever run for president in 2008. Oh, we were told over and over that George W. Bush wasn't qualified - "His foreign experience consists of eating at an International House of Pancakes", ha ha - that his two terms as Governor of the third largest state in the union weren't sufficient experience, nor his time in private enterprise. Legitimate complaints, especially against Al Gore, who had served as Vice President for 8 full years after a lengthy career in the House and Senate.

And then, {POOF} - all criticism for inexperience vanished as the man who had served less than 150 days in the US Senate began his Presidential campaign in earnest...

Secondly, and more importantly, the inexperience is the whole point. We're sick of career politicians. We're voting the bastards out. We *want* candidates that haven't spent decades in DC polishing their political image - these are exactly the people that are running things now, not listening to their constituents and generally mucking things up six ways to Sunday. We want the entrenched establishment out on their asses - and if the new boss turns out to be same as the old boss, we want them out on their asses in two years, too.

I'm generally not a "let's shoot the bastards" type (stop laughing). I think we still have time to turn things around through established, peaceful means. There's going to be some serious gnashing of teeth, ruffling of feathers, and stepping on of toes in the special interest groups and the pampered victim classes, but in the long run we'll all benefit. Continuing down the path we're currently heading is going to lead us into serious trouble - we can't borrow ourselves into prosperity no matter how hard we try - and without a significant change in the way things are heading we most certainly will face some very hard and unpleasant choices.

But right now, we have the chance to change all that, to make a difference, and it scares the current establishment silly. Witness the pooh-poohing of the free media (I refuse to call it "new" media, as it's been around for nearly 20 years now) by Barry Lackwit and his band of suffering sycophants in the media. Layers and layers of editorial oversight that bring us stories about "the shoulder thing that goes up" and 22mm bullets (just to draw from what I know) somehow manage to miss or soft pedal stories of corruption, graft, and greed when it's "their" guy but not "the other" guy - I don't care if the SOB has a "D" or an "R" after his name, if he's ripping off taxpayers with bridges to nowhere or junkets to visit his girlfriend in Brazil I want him out on his ass. I don't want him given a 15th chance because he nominally agrees with a small portion of my political beliefs.

Saying that these folks were elected based on "inexperience" is yet another example of this deliberate twisting of words in a pathetic attempt to bring down those they disagree with. "Inexperience" is never used as a positive adjective; the connotations are that this person cannot perform the task assigned, that they will need training of some sort, that they are less capable of performing as needed. It's a masterful turn of the phrase; from a wordsmithing aspect they've done a fine job - in one word, they have maligned the candidates without overtly tipping their hands. I'd rather have the overt, blatant bias than this soft, subtle bias...

Are the "mainstream" media not getting it - or are they scrabbling like mad to cling to the old ways in a last-ditch attempt to maintain the status quo?

That is all.


Mike W. said...

we can't borrow ourselves into prosperity no matter how hard we try.

You mean I can't just live off a huge stack of maxed out credit cards for the rest of my life?

Obama says it's the way to recovery, so maybe I should start....

PISSED said...

From the Drudge Report..

Note: Media coverage of Obama has improved significantly over past week as his approval ratings have slipped... While 43% of voters approve, 55% of media coverage has been positive.]

OBVIOUSLY the cheerleaders are still routing for him......

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22

It goes ON AND ON...

Charles Gasparino told Bill O'Reilly tonight that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt gathered the NBC reporters together and scolded them for reporting negatively on Barack Obama.
Of coursem this surprises no one.

Lissa said...

The MSM can't help it -- they are inexperienced re: Reality.

Dragon said...

OMG! This has got to be the QotC (Quote of the Century)

"I'm generally not a "let's shoot the bastards" type..."

Dude, I just snarfed a swallow of Espresso through my nose....

Weer'd Beard said...

I believe its called the "Serpico Effect"

When corruption exists because corrupt elders encourage newer recruits to join in the dirty games to cover their own asses the only thing you can do is clean house and make do with rookies who you watch like hawks.

Not as good as having a lot of clean veterans on the team....but when you don't have that, this is MUCH better.

Bubblehead Les. said...

If I can ever get hold of a Time Machine, I am SOOOO going back to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 with an Uzi and force our Founders to impose PERMANENT TERM LIMITS for ALL Federal Office Holders! Along with a clean and simple RKBA as Article One, of course. And no Slavery, Women's Right to Vote, and No Income Tax, too. Plus Full Adult Rights at age 18. You can get get your legs blown off in Kandahr at age 19, but can't purchase a Pistol to defend youself while you're stuck in a Wheelchair at age 20? Bull!

Borepatch said...

Bingo, Jay.