Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Get Ready for a Surprise!

Cahill committee didn’t pay state tax

State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill acknowledged last night that his campaign committee failed to pay an estimated $15,000 in state income taxes over the past decade, as required by law.

Cahill’s campaign made the admission in an unusual written statement following a Globe inquiry yesterday afternoon about why there was no record of checks to the state to cover taxes on interest the campaign committee’s account has earned from investments it made in certificates of deposit.

Oopsie! I'm certain that if it had been you or I who "forgot" to pay $15K in taxes the authorities would be just as understanding, right? I mean, if the State Treasurer can't keep on top of all the taxes that we need to pay, us mere mortals certainly shouldn't be held accountable, right? No, seriously, stop laughing...

I am kicking myself for missing a golden opportunity a couple weeks ago. Cahill was campaigning in a tony suburb on my commute home, where I literally drove past him and his supporters. I didn't catch Cahill at first, but I did notice that his supporters were all well-dressed and acting professionally. Then I noticed Cahill was there and it made sense (best behavior in front of the boss and all that).

I wish I'd gone back and introduced myself and asked if he minded answering a few questions...

That is all.


Mike W. said...

A Democrat *forgetting* to pay his taxes?

Move along, nothing to see here.

Lissa said...

To imitate Bruce -

This is my shocked face:

Weer'd Beard said...

I wish that corrupt asshole had the decency to drop out before he gives us 4 more years of Cadillac Deval