Monday, September 27, 2010

MA Gun Control Works!

It does! Just listen to all these success stories to see how well gun control is working in the Volksrepublik:

BC students on edge after stabbing

Few Clues In Regis College Murder

Not-guilty plea in 4 Winchester deaths

Police arrest three suspects in stabbing death of Hyde Park pizza delivery man

It's a good thing MA has such strict gun control, isn't it? I mean, imagine if all those people had been shot?

I hesitate to highlight these types of stories in this way because I don't want to be seen as using these stories in the same manner that the Bradys use gun violence stories. Each of these crimes is a tragedy in their own right; each involves someone injured or killed through mindless, wanton, or psychotic violence. The fact that the weapon involved was not a gun is irrelevant - to those of us without an agenda. To those that would foist more onerous regulations upon us, these deaths are less than meaningless - they're counterproductive.

MA Gun control: Because we'd rather see a hard-working pizza delivery guy stabbed to death than standing over the bodies of his attackers holding a smoking .38 Special.

That is all.


Rev. Paul said...

I'll never understand how dying is supposed to be more 'noble' than fending off one's attackers.

PISSED said...

Time to start screaming for knife controls.... you can only buy one knife a month! Its the knives fault!

Good lord.. after they regulate knives then we will move on to louisville sluggers....

Eck! said...

According to the Brady's it did. Not one gun death not even the perps.

Alas yes gun control worked the perps didn't die from defensive rounds. Instead their victims did from knife wounds.

That seems to be a world of fail to me.


Brad_in_IL said...


Two things . . . . one you certainly know already. Gun control is about control, not about guns. Go read Law Dog's analogy about gun control and a delicious cake.

The dead pizza delivery guy . . . his attackers didn't leave until after they ATE the f*cking pizza. There was an editorial with a title similar to "They Ate The Pizza" in either the Globe or The Herald, but I can't find it to link to it.

[rant] Pissed . . . don't say a fookin' thing about regulating Louisville Sluggers. I have my Chicago Cubs / Wrigley Field Bat Day Slugger that I got in 1971 or 1972 -- I'll beat the living snot out of ANYONE who tries to take my bat. Recall an image of Sgt Donny Donowitz (the Bear Jew) from Inglorious Basterds and you'll have a pretty good mental image of me going mental on someone who'd DARE take my bat. [/rant]

Old NFO said...

I agree with Eck... sigh... I'd MUCH rather there be dead goblins, than dead victims.

Weer'd Beard said...

I've been highlighting these stories just to show how heartless the Brady creeps are.

As far as they're concerned all of those deaths "Don't Count", as they only count "Gun Death"

Timmeehh said...


Don't give them any ideas. In Kanuckistan guns are hard to come by legally. So some dirt bag just beat a 15 year old girl to death in broad daylight. Gun control didn't do her any good.