Monday, September 20, 2010

One Thing is Clear...

The iPhone is the overwhelming choice of gunbloggers.

Heck, it's the choice for non-gunbloggers too - out of the six people at Saturday's sendoff for Lissa, there were [counts picture] oh yeah, six iPhones. That's 100% correlation, folks. The other interesting thing that I noted was that of the three Massachusetts-based gunbloggers at the meet, one is leaving MA and another is in the process of taking steps to leave MA. Of the three non-bloggers at the meet, one is part of the team leaving and the other two are considering NH. That's also 100% correlation, as I'd leave in a heartbeat if the Mrs. were amenable.

MA: You're more likely to want to get the hell out of here.

That is all.


Lissa said...

New state slogan: "MA: It looks so good in your rearview"

Thanks again, Jay!!

Anonymous said...

most of them like 1911s too. So i don't put too much faith in their choice of functionality :)


Robert said...

I avoid buying things made in socialist countries, so no iphone for me.

Mike W. said...

You know, I didn't really understand what all the fuss was about....

Now, I LOVE my Iphone. Don't know what I'd do without a smartphone.

bluesun said...

If there is a 100% correlation with people in MA and people who own iPhones, it gives me one more reason to avoid Apple...

Home on the Range said...

I am so humbled. I don't have an iphone. I do have this little phone. It was cheap. People ask me what it does. I say "it rings".

But I have holographic sights out the wazoo for my AR's. What's up with that?

SCI-FI said...


That's called "Having the right priorities."


jimbob86 said...

I don't even want all the crap tha the phone I have does ( or could do, if I botheredto learn to use those other functions): I want to be able to dial numbers (from MY memory, not the phone's). I want a camera in it, and I want to be able turn the ringer off. Make calls, recieve calls, take a pic, or shut the hell up. That is all I want. Oh yeah and I would like the phone not to explode into several pieces if I drop it, unlike the POS I have now. Also, unlike the POS I have now, I would like it to refrain from talking to me at random moments from my pocket.... "Say a command." "Shutthehellup. There's yer command. Do that."

Jon said...

Android phones, and only Android phones. Iphones are for people who don't believe in customization *g*.

I DO need more holographic sites, though.

Ritchie said...

Been there, done that, in the most literal way. Viva Colorado!

Eck! said...

I phone for me is ECE electronic communications equipment. Customization is largely unimportant as it's use is to communicate my any of the available ways, does that fair save for I'm in a no cell hole but it does wifi well then.
I'd call it a tool and it has to work more than anything else.

Then again I also carry a netbook in the bag along with other tools.


Newbius said...

Hate to ruin your sample...LG Envy3 for me. And I, too, have to tell the annoying b***h "electronic voice" to shaddup every now and then.