Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Lawyer Sues Ex-Firm for Harassment, Cites Clothing-Optional ‘Modern Male Initiation’ Event

A personal injury lawyer has sued the California law firm at which he formerly worked, contending that his pay was at first cut and then eliminated after he refused pressure to attend a "New Warrior Training Adventure" outdoor weekend retreat.

Plaintiff Steven Eggleston alleges that potential activities there which he found objectionable included being encouraged to sit around naked in a circle with other men and discuss their feelings while passing around a wooden phallus, reports the Daily Journal.

(Insert obligatory lawyer joke revolving around the male reproductive organ here). Really, though, this is rather surprising - anything that even remotely sounds like it might be sexual in nature is best avoided. From the sounds of things, Eggleston didn't want to participate, made his discomfort clear from the event, and his work situation changed for the poorer after his refusal to participate in the program. Unless there are significant mitigating circumstances, his employer may be in a world of hurt...

I honestly don't know which is funnier - that this happened, or that it doesn't surprise me in the least...

That is all.

Link sent by PISSED under the guise of "News of the Weird"...


bluesun said...

But could you play a cheery tune on the wooden phallus a la Weer'd?

And if so, are lawyers Weer'ds people?

Mike W. said...

Only in California, land of the hippie.

Butch Cassidy said...

After he refused an offer to play first skin-flute in the band, his boss reportedly said, "I want you to think long and hard about this decision. I really don't see why you are being so stiff about this, no need to be a dick."

Sorry, I like me a pun.

Rabbit said...

Lawyers can't take Viagra. It makes them taller.

Ancient Woodsman said...

Sexual harassment is not funny. At all. No matter who it happens to.

But a lawyer suing other lawyers? That's full of win right there.

I hope it's only in California where "new warrior training" does NOT involve guns & range time.

B Smith said...

2 lawyers are walking down the street, when they encounter a very attractive woman. First lawyer turns to his buddy and says, "Man, I'd like to f*** her!"
Second lawyer looks puzzled, and says, "Oh yeah? Out of what?"

Old NFO said...

LOL- Lawyers abusing the law/ Say it ain't so...