Friday, October 8, 2010

Blogroll Updates

It's (long past) time for some additions to the MArooned blogroll.

First up, one of the "Bloggers I've Met" is now actually... a blogger! McThag finally Weerdbeard'd up and got off LiveJournal and got hisself an actual blog - please visit him at I Am McThag! blog now.

Secondly, please welcome these new blogs to the 'roll. Most were found through my obsessive Sitemeter checking, others through other means (that's a hint to let me know if you blogroll me!):

So there's the new folks and changes to the blogroll. I always love adding new blogs to the blogroll, because (selfishly) it means more people are adding me to theirs! If you have added MArooned and do not see your blog represented over to the lengthy list on the right, shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment to let me know and I'll rectify the situation post haste.

Now, go read the new bloggy goodness!

That is all.


hiroshi_tea said...

Hello, this is Hiro from #GBC. I have a blog called "Happy that you Are" and I have been stalking/following you on my RSS feed. Can we be blogger friends too? :D

Pumice said...

I always enjoy your list of additions to your blog roll. When I clicked on your first recommendation it took me to a screen I had never seen before. It was a blogger notice that the sight I was going to might have some offensive content. Is blogger now starting down the path of censorship?

By the way, I felt I was mature enough to click on through.