When one of the Alan's asks for your help, you answer the call:
We're seeking to build our presence on the web. A larger web presence can increase our donor base and help us keep up with the big budgets of the anti-gunners. We rely primarily on grassroots donations so this project is crucial to our continued success. We've been making a lot of progress lately and we want to keep our momentum.If you'd like to display the banner on your own website, give a holler and I can send the code along. The more visibility we can give 2AF, the better off we all are. The Second Amendment Foundation is out there everyday working to make our gunnie lives better, which in the process only adds to our freedom. They're definitely wearing the white hats in this fight.
Happy to help, Alan.
That is all.
not that I have a big blog, but send it my way please
Send me the code please.
How about a "Repeal the Hyde Amendment" blog burst?
Send it Jay...
I'll take a copy of that code too Jay, every little-bit helps.
Pop it my way Jay.
I could use some code love. Thanks!
If they ask if it works, tell them yes, as I just sent my contribution.
Good on you, Jay. I joined earlier this year after hearing Alan speak at the GOAL banquet.
Jay ... not that I have any interested readers that don't already read you, but please send me the code anyway. I did some serious scrounging and found the cash to pay for two life memberships.
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