Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Deval Patrick: Charlie Baker’s on the inside looking out at me
Scoffing at GOP rival Charlie Baker’s appeal to coveted Scott Brown supporters, Gov. Deval Patrick yesterday sought to recast himself as the real outsider in the tight gubernatorial race, touting his record of reform and high-profile face-offs against Beacon Hill insiders.

“You can call me an insider, but (Beacon Hill lawmakers) treat me like an outsider a lot of the time,” Patrick said during a wide-ranging interview with Herald editors and reporters yesterday. “We have differences. Some of them are sharp, most of them principled — but nonetheless we’ve been able to deliver the most productive legislative session in 30 years.”

ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME?????????

Did Deval Patrick just attempt to claim "outsider" status? Because he can't work with the (DEMOCRAT-MORTAL-LOCK-CONTROLLED) MA legislature??? So, Deval, what you are saying is that even though you haven't been able to work with people FROM YOUR OWN PARTY, that somehow makes you an "outsider"??? Look, you've made a career out of being a political animal. Just because you're too outside the pale for even MA Democrats does not make you an "outsider"...

That word you keep using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

That is all.

Link sent by Stretch in an obvious attempt to get rage back up to pre-Northcoast levels...


Bubblehead Les. said...

Glad to see the Rage has returned. Of course, it couldn't be used against a better target.

libertyman said...

I knew it! I knew it! Using "outside the pale" makes you a racist!

Borepatch said...

Cadillac is trying a hostile takeover of the term "Stupid Party".

Weer'd Beard said...

Deval is an idiot of the pants-shitting variety.