Thursday, October 14, 2010

Independent Review!

I mentioned a while back that LaserLyte had sent some new revolver laser sights. There was a sight for a S&W J-frame, which I will be putting on one of my snubbies shortly, as well as a sight for a Taurus revolver. Since I don't have a Taurus revolver, I put it aside until I was getting ready for the Northcoast bloggershoot. I sent an e-mail to my contact at Laserlyte asking if they'd mind if I offered up some of the sights they had sent that I had no match for, and they were quite enthusiastic about it.

I distributed the duplicate laser sights mentioned here as well as the Taurus items after the shoot, and commenter Mad Saint Jack wasted no time in sending me his review:
Hi Jay,

Attached is a photo of my Taurus 94 .22 LR with the laser you gave me, and two groups shot at 7 yards.

The top group is 5 shots Single Action.

The bottom group is 9 shots Double Action.

Ammo was CCI Blazer.

Sighting in the laser takes some guess work and I still need to fine tune it. I think it will get easier the more I use it.

I could see the laser on paper at 7 yards but I had a very hard time finding the laser while plinking at the backstop in direct sunlight at slightly less distance.

It was awesome to meet you, and thanks for the new toy.
Here's his picture:

Nice Shootin'!

Mad Saint Jack, it was awesome to meet you as well. I'm guessing from the lack of comment that getting the laser actually on the revolver was easy; your results are excellent and look like you might need only a little more tweaking with the laser sight to have it right on. Laser sights generally don't do terrifically well in bright sunlight, so it's not too surprising that you had difficulty in direct light.

Thanks for the review, thanks to LaserLyte for the laser, and thanks for reading!

That is all.

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