Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Passengers re-elect Edward Smith as Captain of Titanic!

Despite ramming iceberg, ship sinking, passengers have hope that things will change this time...

That is all.


JD said...

This is great news for the 2012 election! What better than to have Nancy in everyones face for another two years to remind them why they voted the Dems out in 2010. . . She may get to sink a ship too!

PISSED said...

Jay G... "Eating the rider and the board during his "Snark Attack""..


The Big Guy said...

Dems don't seem to grasp the concept of:
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

Here's hoping the conservatives got it.


bluesun said...

Hey, that's not fair! At least Smith had an awesome beard!

Jay G said...

Yeah, but his boob job was shoddily done...

Old NFO said...

LOL... Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it! THAT works for me for 2012!!!