Friday, November 12, 2010

File Under "D"...

...for Duh...

Surge in city homicides laid to drug crime

The number of people slain in Boston has risen 46.5 percent since this time last year, a dramatic increase that Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis attributed to a rise in drug crime.

Davis said a combination of more people turning to the drug trade to make money and the release of drug dealers from prison has helped fuel street violence that has led to 63 homicides through Nov. 8 of this year. At this point last year, there had been 43 killings.

Gee, when you release violent criminals from prison, crime goes up! Why, it's like there's some sort of - what's that word? - correlation between crimes and the people that commit them! What a shock! The article then goes into a lengthy discussion of the drug trade, the types of people killed as a result of the trade, etc. What's surprisingly absent is any sort of call for more gun control - these are folks who wake up in the middle of the night, stub their big toe on the way to the bathroom, and call for gun control as a result.

That's the good part - the bad part is that no one's talking about ending the stupid "War" on drugs and ending this idiocy now.

That is all.


PISSED said...

A couple points that I notice, Click on the map and look at the neighborhoods, and also the fact that the Glob choses to not allow commenting?

I would like to see how said neighborhoods voted in the past election?

As thinks get worse in the economy this will widen I'm sure.

and finally... it is mostly that same race perpetrating the violence against one and other, and when the great uniter is gone they will still be in the same situation.

TOTWTYTR said...

He's blaming drugs, but I don't think that it is drugs. A lot of the shootings are over stupid things like "dissing" people, or even walking into another gangs turf. One recent shooting was sparked because someone stepped on another gang members sneakers and got them dirty.

Davis is a politician foremost and it's easier to sell drugs as the problem as opposed to an inferior cultural mind set that makes killing people over trivial perceived insults noble.

zeeke42 said...

I was pleasantly surprised to see something on the front page of the Glob that I agreed with. I didn't read the rest of the article, I just saw the portion on the front page on a paper edition.

Blaming criminals for crime is a new concept for the Glob.