Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hey, I Know That Guy!

Robb got himself a new writin' gig. Shiny.

Man, it should be illegal to have that much talent - master of photoshop; bringer of snark; Para gunblogger; and now, official gear writer. And all done without the aid of pants.

He reviews three different brands of inexpensive .45 ACP ammo - invaluable information to have in today's age of ever-increasing ammunition prices. My experience with Tulammo mirrors Robb's - he notes it's a little dirty but not too bad - except that the 100 rounds I put through my SW1911 all fed, fired, and ejected without issue.

Oh, and if someone were to need another gunblogger to write other reviews of ammo, I happen to know this guy...

That is all.

1 comment:

Mike W. said...

Perhaps it's the lack of pants that make it all possible....