I'll let Michael tell you about the Executive II:
Specs:Here's what I received:
*Convertible holster which serves well as a pocket holster or a tuckable IWB holster, available for most pocket-sized guns.
*External leather flesh provides excellent secure placement of the holster in the pocket or in the waistband.
*protective flap aids in comfort and protects the holstered gun from body sweat.
*Hand-formed, finished and stitched by machine in Kevlar thread.

Executive II from Michael's Custom Holsters
The holster arrived with everything you see in the picture - even the black drawstring bag, which I thought was a nice little touch. I have the proverbial drawer full of holsters (actually, I have three...), and a little thing like a handy bag in which to store the holster really helps to set this apart. It also comes in handy when the clips and hardware are removed for pocket carry, as everything can be stored inside the bag so they don't wind up rattling around loose in the holster drawer...
Here's what it looks like with the Snubbie from Hell™ safely ensconced therein:
SfH Meets ExecII
The fit is superb - since the holster is "rough-out" for pocket carry, the finished leather on the inside takes a firm mold of the gun and allows for a rapid draw. The rough leather on the outside holds it firmly in place when used as a pocket holster as well as IWB (and the "ER" is a cute touch, too). The small size and light weight of the holster, combined with the double clips, means that when it's used as a inside the waistband holster it stays put and you don't even realize it's there.
The construction is truly top-notch - this is a polished, professional holster. The leather is firm without being overly thick; the molding is exact; the clips have enough give to move with the holster yet still anchor it firmly in place. I wore it a little bit over the past weekend and have a very favorable first impression - it truly is tuckable, and with a large shirt disappears even without a cover garment. I'm going to wear it pretty extensively over the Thanksgiving break and get some pictures of it in use (but don't expect to see much, because it really does disappear). I'll post a follow-up review with some thoughts on how it works day-to-day in about a week's time.
That is all.
I'm anxiously awaiting my belt.
It is ordered VI! We will let you know when it ships.
I'm so glad you like it!
I have one of his holsters for my CZ82. Very nice. If I had a blog, and wrote as well as you do, Jay, that's the exact review I would have written.
Would you prefer a holster that completely covers your trigger guard?
All things being equal, yes, I'd prefer the holster completely cover the trigger guard.
As long as the trigger itself is covered, though, I'm happy.
Yeeeah. The trigger guard thing has been a point of contention for a lot of folks. I'm with Jay in that as long as it's guarding the trigger itself, it is functioning correctly. But, I'm thinking that a fully-shrouded trigger guard may well be in order, and it is very valuable feedback to hear it discussed. If you want a holster like this with a fully covered trigger guard, just specify it when you place your order, and I'll make sure it happens. Perhaps that will be the major revision for version 2.5...
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