Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On the Lighter Side...

Oh, the huge manatee!

Beer Truck Slams Into Another Vehicle

The crash happened at about 7:30 a.m. Part of Route 15 was closed for hours.

The beer truck driver was reaching for a cup of coffee when he slammed into a pickup truck pulling a trailer, police said.
Fortunately no one was hurt in the incident. Well, no one except the local alcoholics:

Stay tuned for the next Driver's Ed film: BEER ON THE HIGHWAY!

That is all.


Bob S. said...

Isn't the full title "BEER ON THE HIGHWAY! -- Tears on the Bar"?

Weer'd Beard said...

Same day! Drove past it on the way to work. Whole road smelled like a frat house basement for about a mile!

Anonymous said...

I blame the demon coffee!

Paul, Dammit! said...

This makes me flash back to when a shipping container full of budweiser cans got knocked over the side of a ship, and broke open off of Boston Harbor. We (the local commercial fishing community) drank for weeks. The boat I was on had at least 2,000 cans aboard. I was 17, and I think this explains why I have no memories from much of high school. Did anyone get freebies, or did the cleanup happen too fast?

Weer'd Beard said...

Paul, I heard stories about in the 80s a certain boat getting spooked and dumping 5 gallon buckets into Buzzard's bay. From what I hear the buckets were STUFFED with Marijuana and Cocaine.

This was told to me by fishermen who had gaffed said buckets out of curiosity....