Thursday, November 4, 2010

Something I Really Like... posting not one but two Dead Goblin stories in one day.

Both Groundhog and Sabra sent this one to me - thanks y'all!

Invader slain, another hurt by homeowner
A homeowner shot and killed one intruder and gravely injured another after a group of knife-wielding men kicked in the man's door early Wednesday, police said.

Cresencio Briones, 37, told police four combative men showed up outside his home in the 500 block of Creath Place around 1:30 a.m. looking for someone who allegedly was staying at the house.

Yeah, I'd say that meets up with pretty much anyone's definition of a proper use of deadly force. Outnumbered? Check. Armed mob? Check. Forcible entry? Check. I won't even fault the caliber used (38 Spl), given that it most certainly did the job it was intended to do - stop the threat. I've got to put in a plug here for mindset - yes, training and practice are both very important, I'm not trying to downplay either - that you have to be prepared to take some very drastic and irrevocable measures when you pick up a gun (or knife, or bat, or...) in a defensive situation.

This type of scenario has got to rank pretty high on any gunowner/homeowner/parent's worst fear list. Multiple goblins. At least one player who states he doesn't mind going back to prison. Weapons. Having one's door kicked in - the incredible sense of violation that comes with it. All of these factors came together for our hero, and he still had the presence of mind to aim for COM and do what needed to be done to protect his family. Bravo, sir.

Dead Goblin Count: 82.

That is all.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Come on 100! Everybody gets a free Bojangles biscuit if we score 100 or more! ;)