Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jaw, Meet Floor...

Sorry, Barney Frank, but you can’t be trusted
After 30 years, Barney Frank finally lost my vote. On election night, he lost my respect as well. Frank’s road rage acceptance speech was an out-of-body experience.

There was the congressional king of anger, vituperation and vitriol lashing out at the Herald and Fox 25 for, in his words, “anger, vituperation . . . and vitriol.”

Sure, you might be tempted to dismiss this as the words of a journalist defending her paper. Frank's speech was positively blistering towards the Herald - I mean, after all, they dared to call him on his most egregious lies. But - and I'll delve a little into MA inside baseball - Margery Eagan is akin to Maureen Dowd as far as being an unapologetic lefty shill. There isn't a left-leaning politician she doesn't support, a right wing cariacture she doesn't paint, or a progressive shibboleth she doesn't cling to. When you've lost Margery Eagan - in Massachusetts - look out.

Frank may have won the race, but this had better be his swan song, else he may find himself in a real fight come 2012...

That is all.

Link sent by PISSED, who apparently is trying to cheer me up today - thanks!


Weer'd Beard said...

Margery's radio show was the only one I know of that had Governor Patrick and Martha Coakley on once a month. If that doesn't show what a shill she is, nothing is.

Hell she had the Gov on within a week of his "9-11 happened because of our failure to understand..." speech, and she didn't feel the need to press such a gouache subject to Obama Jr.

I'm glad to see people realizing what a nasty hemorrhoid he is, but do you think she'll show as much sense the next time she's in the voting booth? Do you think other lefties like her will?

This state is LOST.

Butch Cassidy said...

Contrast Frank's victory speech with the concession speech that was given by Alxi Giannoulas. At one point a few members of the crowd booed the republican who beat him, and he said, "no, no, NO...He is our senator."

Raging liberal Giannoulas (from Illinois, no less) has my respect for his grace in defeat.

Barney Fife, err, Frank can go pound sand.

Paul, Dammit! said...

Ol' Barney was our only supporter in DC when I was a fisherman, but he's a one-trick pony at best. I can't justify accepting a mountain of BS in exchange for a spoonful of assistance.

Jay G said...

That's because we know how much Barney Frank loves seamen, Paul.

(Yes, I am going to hell for that...)