Friday, November 5, 2010

There's A Reason We Call Them "Filthy Hippies"...

Could you give up washing?

If you are reading this article over breakfast, the chances are you have recently stepped into the shower, lathered up your hair and torso, rinsed off, towelled and blow-dried, before dousing your armpits with deodorant, and wafting on a fog of perfume or aftershave.

Then again, maybe not. The New York Times has just reported on a new trend towards what's sometimes known as soap-dodging. Among those who have cut down on daily showers, baths or hair-washing were a woman who swipes a sliced lemon under her armpits instead of deodorant, another who uses baby wipes to freshen up after her lunchtime runs, and a salesman who shampoos only once a month and gave up anti-perspirant for three years.

Naturally, this is being done in the interest of "saving the environment" - of course, there's no mention of the skyrocketing costs of air fresheners and Lysol. I love how they try to rationalize it by pointing out that people only bathed once a month in the middle ages. Yeah, and they married at 12 and died at 40 back then - you sure you want to emulate that time period?

I just don't get that - "ooh, I'll live my life in an unsanitary and anti-social manner to make an infinitesimally small dent in my carbon footprint" - but then again, I'm not a filthy hippie...

That is all.

Thanks to PISSED for this stinker of a story.


steven M. said...

Look at the bright side: there will be no doubt as to who those people are, you'll be able to smell them a mile away.

Alan said...

As if they didn't already self identify.

bluesun said...


Weer'd Beard said...

What's even better is I suspect the clothing holds in a lot of the stink. Get them naked and they'll set off the smoke alarms!

Benefit? Maybe Filthy hippies will stop breeding!

Ruth said...

No filthy hippy here, but I do have to admit that I only shower more often than every 3rd day if I've been doing something to get myself sweaty or dirty. If instead I've had my usual non-sweat inducing week then I don't need a shower more often, and I KNOW my hair is more manageable with the break in between shampooings. I do however use antipersperant, and follow other such basic hygine measures. Its only fair to the other people in the office!

On the other hand I don't try to tell the rest of the world to shower less often either. It won't work for everyone. If you feel you need a shower then take one!!

Christina RN LMT said...

I grew up in Germany, and I had plenty of friends who didn't shower every day, especially in winter. They all did WASH, however. I guess you call 'em cat-baths, over the sink with washcloth and soap and water. It just doesn't get as hot there and there's definitely less sweating. I did not follow that custom, I'm a shower-a-day gal, at LEAST.