Friday, December 31, 2010

No Question Here!

Now, this one OTOH, I have no qualms about adding...

Intruder Killed In Home Invasion

Houston police said the home invasion and shooting happened at an apartment complex on Broadway Street near Hartsook Street Thursday night.

Investigators said a woman knocked on an apartment door and acted as if she were in distress.
Apparently, when the apartment's occupant opened the door, a male accomplice forced his way in. While he struggled with the female occupant, the woman's husband came from another room and shot him with a rifle. Other than the danger of overpenetration, this is a classic defensive gun use. The goblins used the common practice of having a female accomplice gain entrance, then forced their way into the apartment. There was another male accomplice waiting as well - who knows what they had planned for the people in that apartment?

This illustrates the need to remain vigilant - and armed - even in your own home. Have a plan for unexpected visitors. Carry your guns. If someone comes to the door and you're not expecting visitors, be armed. Slipping a J-frame into a pocket is smart insurance against the unknown, and gives you a definitive advantage over whoever might be thinking about crashing through the door. Don't rely on a gun stashed three rooms away - you might not get the opportunity to get to it. Some might call it paranoid - heck, it might be a little paranoid - but if you never need it, what harm comes of it?

That reminds me - I need a quick access safe for the first floor...

Dead Goblin Count: 115

That is all.

Link sent by stainles and agg79 - thanks!


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"If someone comes to the door and you're not expecting visitors, be armed."

You should be armed even if you are expecting visitors - the people at the door might not be the people you were expecting.

Also, windows or peepholes should be checked before opening the door.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Okay, that last sentence about peepholes should have been a link, too.

I should really pay more attention before hitting publish.

Sabra said...

Yeah to all that, and I am forever reminding people that they are under no obligation to answer the door, unless the person on the other side is someone whom they've specifically invited. It's a Pavlovian response, sure, but an unnecessary one.

Zdogk9 said...

You need a gun in your pocket, in case you're not happy to see them

Robert said...

Also note that the gate and 24 Hr security apparently didn't do a damn bit of good.