Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Future is Disappointing...

I'm with Sisko Hawk this guy:

I was promised flying cars!

That is all.


bluesun said...

Dammit, it's not the future, then.

notDilbert said...

Ok - so no flying cars..

.....can we at least have that Mid-engined Corvette?????

Anonymous said...

Hehe. I was just reminded of this, which also happens to have an AWESOME Calvin and Hobbes quote on there:

"Hobbes: A new decade is coming up.
Calvin: Yeah, big deal! Hmph. Where are the flying cars? Where are the moon colonies? Where are the personal robots and the zero gravity boots, huh? You call this a new decade?! You call this the future?? HA! Where are the rocket packs? Where are the disintegration rays? Where are the floating cities?
Hobbes: Frankly, I'm not sure people have the brains to manage the technology they've got.
Calvin: I mean, look at this! We still have weather?! Give me a break!"

Ancient Woodsman said...

I really enjoyed him as 'Hawk' in the 'Spenser: For Hire' series. I had met Mr. Urich back then and found him less than desirable for my company. Mr. Avery though has been a class act pretty much wherever he goes.

Thanks for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

Sisco!!!!! I could not remember his name for the longest time. One of the best characters of all time. He needed his own series spin off; kinda like Shaft, Lewis Black, and that dude from the Matrix.....Dammit, now what's his name? I think my brain is full.

Anonymous said...

Sisco!!!!! I could not remember his name for the longest time. One of the best characters of all time. He needed his own series spin off; kinda like Shaft, Lewis Black, and that dude from the Matrix.....Dammit, now what's his name? I think my brain is full.

Unknown said...

The delivery is good, but it doesn't hold a candle to Daniel Keys Moran's response piece from the radio program "The Way In".

"Where's the damned future shock? Alvin Toffler promised us we'd have future shock..."