Saturday, January 1, 2011


Today's quote comes from TheBoy:

Legos™ are fun!

Yes. Yes they are. Not only are Legos™ a lot of fun, but there's little better daddy/son activity (well, besides shooting, of course...). Spent a couple hours helping him put together of the 9 gabillion piece sets he got for Christmas earlier today (they now have two volume manuals. What's up with that?) and he's running around the house making submarine noises (Atlantis set, if you must know). He put together the slightly-less-than-gabillion piece set all by himself on Thursday when his sister had a playdate, hiding away in his room and creating whole worlds of interlocking plastic pieces. And today we built the big set together.

Being a dad is good.

That is all


Anonymous said...

Good fun until you step on that one lone lego in the middle of the night!! Happy New Year.

bluesun said...

I still have all of my collection, waiting for the day that there is someone else in my life who would enjoy it with me. Probably a multi-thousand dollar collection...

aczarnowski said...

Legos were my gateway drug to engineering. Glad to see the addiction setting in new generations!

Baker M. Romeo said...

I'm 23 now, and in my family we still have a tradition where my parents get my brother (31) and I each a LEGO set for Christmas. LEGO is the best toy that it is possible to ever have. Nothing can even hope to compare.

You chose... Wisely.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I LOVED Legos when I was a kid. Actually, I wouldn't mind having some lego sets today, I bet would be really cool stress relief.

ASM826 said...

There is danger on this path. Adult Friends of Legos is the organization. Here is a short documentary about this:

wolfwalker said...

"Being a dad is good."

If you're good at it.

Like so many other things, however, Legos are not what they once were. Once Upon A Time, you got a boxfull or bucketfull of bricks of all shapes, sizes, and colors, out of which you made whatever your imagination could imagine. Today, they're essentially SnapTite model kits with lego-shaped pieces.

Veeshir said...

Make sure you show him lego vids on youtube, some of them are absolutely fantastic.

And don't forget this site

For all your lego weapon needs.
Wait, are those legal in Mass? I suppose you could paint the tips orange or something.

Ancient Woodsman said...

Here it was Lego Power Miners. Multiple sets, multiple instructions, multiple days. Major dad duty. Major dad fun.

God Bless you for being a good dad. It is work, but all good things are.

Happy New Year!

danno said...

Two links: (online LEGO(r)s) and FIRST LEGO League for ages 9-14.

roblox lets kids build LEGO worlds and invite others to play in their worlds (and play in other worlds as well. They also have an amazingly complete selection of weapons, both real and imagined.

FIRST LEGO League gives the the kids a set of missions. They have to design and build a LEGO robot to accomplish those missions. The missions are announced around Labor Day and the regional competition is first weekend in December.

Here is one mission from the last season:

Linoge said...

Legos are straight-up awesome... I just wish they had gotten the Halo contract.

freddyboomboom said... is a set of wargaming rules using the LEGO minifigs... Just an FYI...

And this didn't come in a kit. But it was built from many many kits...