Thursday, January 6, 2011

Go. Read. Now.

My man SpeakerTweaker takes CNN - and the GOP and DNC behind the woodshed.

Money quote:
Aw, crap. Up to a couple of hours? I wonder what rules we'll have to shit all over to make that time back up. Suck it up, buttercup. If I were calling the shots, each and every congresscritter would have to read the whole damned thing, and the gavel wouldn't go down - not once - until it were done. Remaining critters who voted for Obamacare would also be required to run laps during readings.

Keyboard, meet coffee...

That is all.


Tango said...

Make a Demorat (no sic) read the 2A.

Old NFO said...

LOL- Hit the nail on the head with that one!

SpeakerTweaker said...

Thanks for the linky-love, Jay!
