Saturday, January 1, 2011

One Decade.

As of today, I have been smoke-free for one decade. Ten years have passed since I quit smoking, and even today there are times when I would love nothing more than "a pack of Camel filters, box", a Zippo lighter, and a five minute smoke break. Even after a decade I still occasionally get a craving for a smoke, a twinge of regret mixed with nostalgia for the way it used to be. Obviously the cravings are psychological after this much time, but it's pretty scary that after a decade the demon weed still has any sort of foothold in my subconscious.

As the years go by, it's gets harder and harder to imagine a time when I was a smoker. I've changed many aspects of my life in that time, losing weight and working out, all with the goal of living a more health lifestyle to set a good example for my kids. The decision to quit smoking delineates the different phases of my life pretty starkly; starting a transformation that has me, as I approach the big 4-0 later this year, in better shape than I was as a strapping lad of 18. It's amazing how one's life makes twists and turns and changes along the way, and what we can do with the proper motivation.

2011 is but eight hours old; another year stretches before us, a blank canvas for us to fill in with the paint of our lives. I've got some new and exciting news coming up this year, starting with the Northeast Bloggershoot next weekend and continuing beyond; a whole year filled with promise (and gunnie goodness) is waiting. I'm hoping it's better than the last year, not just for me but for others who had tougher years but also friends whose lives improved in '10. Whatever challenges we faced in 2010, let's hope 2011 brings conclusion to the old ones and new ones to overcome and conquer.

Happy New Year, everyone!

That is all.


Matt said...

Congrats and keep it up. I'm at the 7-month mark myself. To be honest, it's a bit depressing to know that these cravings won't go away completely. But, it's also good to know that you can make it through them.

I'm looking forward to my 1-year quitversary, because then my life insurance rates go down :)

Z@X said...

Congrats on a decade without smoke! Way to go!

Dragon said...

Yeah...this year in February will be 16 years smoke-free.

And yes, you're going to have the devil-weed calling you even when *you* hit the 16 year mark...I know that I still have cravings, and I do believe that its more psych than physical, but its still a powerful urge.

Grats on your 10-year mark!


ViolentIndifference said...

Good job, keep it up, and Happy New Year!

Dan said...

Four years smoke-free and the occasional cravings can be rather stout... particularly in the steel mill when things refuse to behave...

Happy New Year!

Mike W. said...

Congrats on being cig free Jay!

Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

30 years for me.
(Now don't be asking how old I am! Started when I was 16!)
Yes for a long time I did "crave" a smoke.
It was a tough habit to kick.

Good if I can convince my 18 yo to quit.....

Eric R. Shelton said...

Congrats! I'm just over a year smoke-free myself. So now I can say I wanna be like you when I grow up and mean it! ;)